Starting Over - Chris Stapleton
Starting Over - Chris Stapleton
This beautiful piece of music made by Chris Stapleton is one of the top country songs on the charts right now. Every time he produces new music it is always captivating and moving, but in this newest song he takes it to a whole new level. The different tempos of the song with his voice and the way he uses an old soul sounding beat with lyric grabs the listener in and doesn’t let them move. The consistent and smooth sound of the guitar and sand shaker make the song very mellow and relaxing while Chris’s voice sounds like a man telling a story to his children. My favorite part during this whole piece is the raspiness that comes through his voice in some of the most powerful moments in the song.
Chris Stapleton has a powerhouse voice, but even better than that is the fact that he is the writer behind all of his top songs. He organizes and writes all the music that he makes so it an best flow eloquently into a jamming song! The other thing I love about this music is how relatable it is to the listener no matter who, where, how old, or in what circumstance they may be living in. To be able to create music that can enter any home and become a singalong joy is a very unique and powerful thing to do. Nothing is better than country, especially Chris Stapleton country.
Hi Ridge! This is a great post, but the blog posts need to be about what we are studying in class at the time. Send me an email if you have any questions.